Echo the Earth Day action, AUO Corporation ("AUO" or the "Company") invites you to join us to care for the earth. It won’t be too complicated, as long as we practice the green action of caring environment in daily life. With just a little change from everyone, the Earth will become an even better place to live!


Earth Day event was organized by some USA college students who cared about the environment and the natural ecology in April 22, 1970. Due to the majority response, Earth Day evolved into a global event. The first global Earth Day took place on April 22, 1990 with 141 countries and 200 million people joining it. Related activities were held every year until now. As the world’s green corporate citizen, the AUO staffs have long devoted themselves to daily energy-saving and carbon reducing practices with their family and friends, and we sincerely invite you to join us for this year’s event.


Concerning about the earth and caring for the environment are actually very simple, AUO encourages its employees to adopt greener practices. The measures include: providing exclusive parking space for car-pool employees, monthly hold the lucky draw offering the dedicated parking spaces, every April from now on will be the "AUO Green Lifestyle Month", during which all AUO staff are highly encouraged to work with their family and friends to become greener together, reminding employees to examine and reduce their own carbon footprints every day, offering and encouraging vegetarian diet every Monday, purchasing locally grown fruits and vegetables to reduce food miles. As long as you want, greener practices can be easily adopted in your daily life!


Earth's environment has changed due to global warming. The extreme change of climate makes human face the survival test. We sincerely invite you to join our green actions with your family and friends. From now on, let’s all join to care for the Earth!